Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Now shipping! The Outer Limits at 60!

There is nothing wrong with your television set . . . Join Outer Limits expert David J. Schow on a 60th Anniversary exploration of things old, things new, and things to come for the all-time classic TV series. Still going strong in the streaming age and with no fewer than four Blu-Ray incarnations, The Outer Limits has withstood the ravages of time and taste to remain essential viewing for fans of the unknown, the mystical, the different, and — dare we say it? — the outré!

David J. Schow is the World Fantasy Award-winning author of numerous novels, collections, TV shows, movies, comics and nonfiction — including The Outer Limits Companion and The Outer Limits at 50.

"An invaluable sourcebook on one of the best — and weirdest — shows in TV history."

— Publishers Weekly on The Outer Limits Companion

Available now on Amazon in hardcover and paperback (using the handy ordering link to the right), and directly from Cimarron Street Books!


  1. Outer Limits at this really happening? How much will it cost?

    1. Yes, it is really happening. Details coming soon!

  2. Good grief, this beloved blog has more lives than that gigolo in Controlled Experiment. Was back just rereading The Bellero Shield stuff (their second best episode after OBIT) and saw this post about the upcoming book. The new work I'm sure will point out how OBIT becomes more prescient and creepy with every passing year

  3. Indeed, this blog's an enduring treasure thanks to all who keep posting on all pages here. Wonderful artwork on the cover of Schow's forthcoming work. The original Companion which he co-authored with Jeffrey Frentzen was an absolute revelation on many levels for its coverage of those who both advanced and later hindered the quality and longevity of the show. I keep my old paperback in an airtight container. Within those pages, while deserved praise was often and most rightly heaped upon first season DF Conrad Hall, there was comparatively way less said of composer Dominic Frontiere and his thoroughly unique and spectacular scoring. No interviews with Frontiere, his former mentor and orchestrator Rober Van Eps or words from most anyone else who worked with him-such as music editor John Elizalde. Nor any mention of what studio Frontiere or Van Eps used ot record the sessions, engineers, etc. Upon my purchase of "Outer Limits at 50", I was expecting to find at least some of those oversights corrected (though Elilzalde may have passed when the book went to press in 2014). Sadly. no. Instead, I found much of the new edition redundant and printed in something like 10 point text.

  4. The Outer Limits at 60 is now available for order from Amazon in hardcover ($30) and Trade Paperback ($20). Check out Amazon's 'Look Inside' feature to read DJS' intro and get a taste of the contents.

  5. Just picked it up and can say it's a wonderful addition to all the other OL books by Schow. Been a fan of OL since the early 70s and eagerly await each new addition to the canon. Keeping my fingers crossed that "The Ultimate" is in hardcover.

  6. I wish someone would create an OLTOS shooting locations page, like was done for this memorable show. I'm sure there are many besides me who have wondered where many scenes of their favorite episodes were filmed, even if most have since been paved over and overpopulated long ago.

  7. When I worked at KTLA in Hollywood back in the 1980s I deduced that the final walk of Adam Link was made from the school walkway behind KTLA - not sure if it's accessible or even extant anymore, the street may have been blocked.

    1. Really? That must have been kind of thrilling to see. I’m on Long Island; don’t know if I’ll ever get out there. And could KTLA or another radio station have also been where “Galaxy Being” was filmed? I’m sure I’ve seen that same building elsewhere; maybe in another Outer Limits or Stoney Burke episode.

      But I recently learned that lots of the indoor scenes for Outer Limits were filmed at KTTV studios, which later became Metromedia Square.

      It was also where Brady Bunch and many other shows were filmed, or later taped. Sadly, it was later demolished to build a private school. Perhaps even interiors for episodes like “Guests” and “Forms of Things Unknown” were filmed there.

      But like Stoney Burke (and the Fugitive), it was the outdoor locations which I also found intriguing. I’m convinced that the long tree lined road in “Sixth Finger” and “Spider County” appears in the Stoney Burke “Sutton Meade” and more than one “Man from U.N.C.L.E.” episodes. And I’m wondering if well off from one side of that road is where this was filmed; 2:32 to 5:09.

      Also, any ideas about where most of the exteriors were shot for “Purple Twilight”?

  8. Here's that road again, 0:23 to 0:35. Love what Elizalde & Farris pulled from Frontiere's library to score this episode.


Apologies for having to switch to moderated comments. This joker ( has been spamming our site for weeks, and we're hoping this will finally get him/her/it to crawl back into the hole from whence it came. Sadly the site isn't smart enough to detect that every single comment they make is spam. We'll be sure to review and post legitimate comments quickly. As for you, "Blogger" (trust me, we've got far more imaginative and appropriate names for you) on behalf of all of us at WACT, don't let the door hit you on the way out!